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We are delighted to announce that our scheme for new housing near Exeter has been granted planning permission, subject to final legal agreements. The project involves 44 houses arranged around a traditional village green. Our proposal incorporates a streetscape and buildings that are in keeping with the character of surrounding historic Devon villages. The houses and hard landscape draw on local vernacular precedent and incorporate high quality traditional materials.

Half the houses will be affordable, either for shared ownership or social rent. Many go beyond the standard accessibility requirements of the Building Regulations to provide homes that are accessible and adaptable (M4(2) compliant).

The project will be built using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), utilising either modular or panelised systems. Both are proven methods for delivering low carbon homes. MMC supports the green economy, reduces waste and toxic emissions, incorporates traceable materials, involves minimal disruption on site and improves operational efficiency. Compared to conventional construction, there is typically a 67% reduction in energy required, a 45% reduction in material use, and a 40% reduction in waste generation.

The development also aims to reduce operational carbon emissions. A fabric first approach will minimise the energy required for heating and cooling. In addition, solar photovoltaic panels will be utilised on south-facing roofs, vehicle charging points will be provided, and the homes will be heated via air source heat pumps or through connection to a district heating system.

The planting scheme will adopt native species including local tree varieties. It will achieve a net gain of 82 trees and include 160m of new native hedgerow. The public spaces will incorporate an orchard and nuttery, and a fruit tree will be planted in every garden. The development will also connect to a tree-lined cycle route into the centre of the city.

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